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GYC 2024 Fully Funded Registration Form

GYC 2024 Fully Funded Registration Form


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The Global Youth Convention 2024 offers an unparalleled opportunity for young leaders from diverse backgrounds. Whether you’re a student, a budding professional, an activist, an educator, or simply someone with a passion for policymaking, this summit promises a deep dive into the world of policy and governance. This summit is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of effective policymaking, exploring the intricate frameworks behind it, and gaining comprehensive insights into the interconnected domains that make up the world of policymaking.

Please fill out the following application form to register for the GYC 2024. Kindly provide accurate information to ensure a smooth registration process.

Fields marked with an required are mandatory.

Event Details

Date: March 09-12, 2024

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Personal Information:

DD slash MM slash YYYY

Contact Information:

This email will be used for all the confirmations, and communications.
✓ Valid number ✕ Invalid number
Please try to add your WhatsApp Number. If not, you can add any contact number of yours.
✓ Valid number ✕ Invalid number
Kindly provide the social media link where you are most frequently engaged. This link may be utilized to confirm certain details you have supplied on this form.