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Paper Submission toWorld Policy Conference2024

The World Policy Conference 2024 invites paper submissions on the theme Emerging Global Trends and Their Impact on Policy Making. Below are the Terms of Reference (TOR) guiding the submission process:



  • Open to researchers, policymakers, academicians, think tanks, and graduate students.
  • Papers may be submitted individually or by groups. Multi-author papers are welcome, but the prize will be awarded to the group as a whole.


Key Themes for Submission

Papers should focus on one or more of the following key trends:

Geopolitical Shifts in a Multipolar World

Climate Change and Sustainability

Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity

Global Health and Pandemics

Youth, Peace, and Security

Economic Inequality and Inclusive Growth

Migration and Refugee Policy

Human Rights and Democracy in the Digital Age

Energy Transition and Global Energy Security

Submissions are also encouraged to highlight cross-cutting issues such as gender inclusivity, the intersection of technology and human rights, or policy responses to regional conflicts.


Empower the Opportunities

  • Abstract

    A 300-word abstract detailing the research question, methodology, and key findings/recommendations.

  • Full Paper

    • Length: Maximum 5,000 words, excluding references and appendices.
    • Format: Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1.5 line spacing.
    • Citation: Use APA, MLA, or Chicago style for references.

  • Language

    Submissions must be in English.

  • Originality

    Papers must be original, unpublished work and free from plagiarism.


Evaluation Criteria

Papers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the Conference Theme

    Alignment with one or more of the key themes.

  • Originality and Insight

    Novel contributions or perspectives to policy debates.

  • Clarity and Rigor

    Clearly presented arguments, with strong research methodologies and logical structure.

  • Policy Implications

    Practical recommendations and insights for policymakers.


Submission Process


Selection Process

Papers will be reviewed by an expert committee consisting of academics, policymakers, and practitioners.




Presentation Guidelines

  • Authors of selected papers will be required to present their findings during the conference. Each presentation will be allotted 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.
  • Presenters must submit a final PowerPoint presentation 1 week prior to the conference.